Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Lakeside

                           Pen and ink was taken from a photo taken by Pastor Torrence Harvey in 1981.
                              I have fond memories of Christmas Eve candlelight services at the Chapel.
                                                    12x9  signed Prints available $45.00

Christmas Comissions

           Loren and Alex were comissioned by their grandmother for their parents gift. Done in pencil.

The Elkhorns (mountains) was painted for Terry Cook as a gift to
 her husband, Brian, who was raised in Townsend, Montana.
watercolor 15x19

Monday, December 13, 2010

Photo by Erin Wolfe (Mulford)

Two years ago, my son, Luke married Lindsey in the Chapel at Camp Bethel in the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming.
It snowed heavily.

 When we returned to Billings, the early wet snowfall had downed branches and powerlines and coverd the landscape with a pure white blanket. I hope to replace this image with a more brilliant copy soon:

 "Early  Snowfall"
Acrylic on canvas   16x10  $200 framed